Heading off to Iceland on Tuesday for a 10 day photographic tour, essentially with the same group of lovely people I went to Finland with a couple of years ago. Ian doesn't like the cold, he gets white fingers very easily here in England, so the thought of standing around freezing whilst I faff around taking photos made it very easy for him to decide it wasn't a place he wanted to visit.
Our leader and organiser is the award winning nature and wildlife photographer Robert Canis (www.robertcanis.com) who has bowed to pressure from us to arrange this trip. We had such a fabulous, hilarious time in Finland and all wanted to visit Iceland so we are making this inaugural trip and are very much Rob's guinea pigs. Our driver will be the very reliable Dirk (a Dutchman who lives in Finland and is a qualified wilderness guide) who is very experienced at driving on ice and snow. I don't know what the rules are in Iceland but in Finland it is customary, indeed it would seem almost compulsory, to build fires and cook sausages and marshmallows whenever and wherever you stop. You also need to be prepared to share your fire as total strangers stop, whip out their sausages and start cooking them without so much as a by your leave. Could be totally different in Iceland and we all might end up in jail :)