It was -7degC with a windchill down to -12degC when we left for a pre-dawn shoot back at the falls this morning. All 4 layers were deployed and I have to say so far I have made the right choice with clothing. The salopettes I got a week before I came out have been absolutely perfect; thermal tights and a pair of trousers underneath have been adequate most of the time, with Ian's golfing over-trousers as an extra layer when it's really cold. For the top half there are thermal vests, fleeces and a very unattractive but warm thermal waistcoat and then my lovely warm coat - again with Ian's waterproofs for the final layer if necessary. With all these layers on it is very, very difficult to move, getting in and out of the bus is challenging and if I do sit or kneel getting back up is a problem unless there is something handy to haul myself up on. For the hands I have liner gloves which I can still operate the camera whilst wearing and then golfing mittens (thank you Ian, not lost them yet although I've been close to) or my very thick rubbery insulted gloves I wore at Potted Garden. I have absolutely no idea how ridiculous I look with a balaclava, hood and bobble hat over the top but actually I don't care - I've been toasty and warm thus far!!!
So dawn at Gullfoss was cold and there were very few people around - mostly other idiotic photographers like us. These photos are very similar to those i took yesterday, but bluer!
Back at the hotel, this is the first one we haven't had to don all our gear to walk to the breakfast building - just nip down the corridor in our stocking feet. The staff bizzarly are Spanish and very sweet.
We had a couple of hours downtime and then Rob offered a Lightroom Session showing how he had processed some of his photos and also offering critique and advice on how to do. ours. I don't use Lightroom but I listened and picked up a few tips which I can probably replicate in photoshop but as with other elements of photography, besides adhering to the basics - the rest of it is subjective and I think I'd prefer to process to my style first before being influenced by someone else.
Dirk and Jo, our resident comedians.
And the snow seemed to behave more like sand with the
patterns and ridges it made being blown around by the wind.
Nothing much in this picture, except what looks like a mark
just below Rob’s left hand is in fact his apple core as he discarded it.
This apparently is known as a sun dog, although it should be
more like a ring apparently and I like the bird shaped cloud just below it.
Even though we were 4WD it was the end of the road for us,
but not for these monsters.
We plan to go back there for sunset and possibly
aurora as there was no light pollution whatsoever.
We then just drove around exploring some of the better roads. I really enjoyed just roaming around but I
think a couple of others got a bit fed up as there were few photo
Ice and minerals